Timothy Huyck – 07/12/22

Always a good experience. this tine however, I felt like i was forgotten in the waiting room waiting for having labs taken. Someone recognized the situation and corrected it. However, the young woman in training was not at all prepared to take blood and my reaction was of some anxiety. The young man training her, however, took over and things went extremely smoothly after that. When the two of them came to get me from the waiting room, the young woman seemed totally unconcerned, shuffled slowly toward the lab, did not speak to me, struggled with finding a vein, then struggled to get the correct labels on the vials. THANK goodness for the young man with some experience. He and the gentleman who was apparently his own previous trainer – between them they created some fun and caused laughter for myself and the other woman waiting for labs also. Those two were priceless! Good save professionals!!!!

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