Sit Less, Move More

Did you know that exercising is shown to reduce the risk of cancer incidence? The American Cancer Society tells us that exercise can specifically reduce the risk of breast, endometrial, kidney, bladder, esophageal, stomach, and colon cancers. So, let’s sit less and move more! Here are some tips to keep you moving this summer.

Too much sitting can cause energy to drop, joints to be stiff, and affect your overall health. We can change that even if you don’t go to the gym!

At Work:
– Get up and walk around or stretch every 30 minutes after sitting
– Stand while talking on the phone
– Invest in a standing desk or walking pad

At Home:
– Move during commercial breaks and change the laundry or take out the garbage (productive, too!)
– Reduce time in front of screens
– During TV time, circle your arms or kick your legs or punch your arms

During your Commute:
– Park further away from your destination
– Ride your bike instead of drive

Walking is a simple and inexpensive way to get yourself moving! Try getting out of bed 20 minutes earlier for a brisk walk around the block before starting your day, or going for a walk over lunch with a friend. You’ll be surprised how many friends will join you.

It all adds up to better health and a reduction in cancer occurrences. As always, Nebraska Cancer Specialists is here to treat the whole person, not just the diagnosis. Check out our Movement for Longevity classes offered in person or streaming! They are low-impact and designed for any and all fitness levels.

What will you do today to sit less and move more?

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